Breaking Fashion Rules: Wearing All One Color

7:53 PM

 Some may think that breaking fashion rules is unacceptable but this season's trends seem to push the boundaries. In this week's series we wanted to show you how breaking these fashion rules can be a fun way to make a bold statement. 
Today I chose to go against the rule that you can't wear all one color. Monochrome outfits have recently become very popular and when done right can make for a great outfit, whether formal or casual. When looking through my closet this morning, I realized I had a lot of burgundy and decided to test this look by combining all of the pieces. What makes these outfits fun and easy is the fact that you don't have to use the same shade of color. By mixing shades you can make your monochrome outfit more dynamic. The button up that I wore was a lot more purple than my other pieces, but it ended up completing the outfit nicely. It is also good to mix different textures when attempting this look. My floral tights, sheer button up, and knit sweater are perfect examples of this technique. Overall, monochrome outfits are a great way to go against fashion rules while being bold and trendy.

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