Mascara is the most essential part of my everyday makeup routine. Whether I'm running errands or getting more dressed up, I always feel better once I've curled my eyelashes and put on some mascara. Something as simple as this can completely open your eyes and make you look much more awake and ready to take on the day!
Contouring is a great way to give your face some dimension! It can give you a warm glow and accentuate your facial features such as your cheekbones. When I contour I just use my bareMinerals Warmth which blends nicely into my foundation to look more natural. Contouring may be less necessary for an everyday look but it is a good trick to know!
Even if I'm in a rush to get ready, doing my eyebrows is one thing I don't like to sacrifice. If yours are naturally thin or have gaps, filling them in with a brow powder or pencil is a great way to give them shape. It highlights your eyes as well and balances out the rest of your makeup. In my opinion, filling in brows is a must!
*These are just our suggestions, everyone looks beautiful with or without makeup!*
- 8:08 PM